Áhkánjárstábba, Kvalsund (NO) - 2017 // LATERNA
June 2017 LATERNA created a performance in collaboration with LOCUS, Robert Steijn and Kvalsund Kommune/Stallodagene at the renown stone Áhkánjárstábba, also known as the Stallo. This is one event in a series of performative events in the project CoSA- Concerning the Spiritual in Art.
For days we sat five artists together with Áhkánjárstábba, we talked and sang for it, had meditative conversations, we moved objects and ourselves around the stone. We slept, dreamt and conversed beside it. On the day of summer solstice (June 21st) we celebrated the stone together with people from the local community and also some visitors from afar.
What may an ancient stone tell us in our time?
Are we able to embody the stone´s body by looking back into roots of folklore, back to a time when we still knew how to live our lives in coherence with nature?
Is it possible to find a mysterious relationship with a landscape that does not remain a personal experience, but can become a collective experience, shared in a community?
May interpretations of landscapes make the local universal?
Perhaps we sometimes need to pass magic road signs like Áhkánjárstábba to be able to move on in life with greater ease?
What happens when we - as visitors - invite to a gathering around the stone?
If even stones can fly - can we?
This project is part of LATERNAs project CoSA-Concernig the Spiritual in Art (Part One 2017).
Suported by Arts Council Norway
June 2017 LATERNA created a performance in collaboration with LOCUS, Robert Steijn and Kvalsund Kommune/Stallodagene at the renown stone Áhkánjárstábba, also known as the Stallo. This is one event in a series of performative events in the project CoSA- Concerning the Spiritual in Art.
For days we sat five artists together with Áhkánjárstábba, we talked and sang for it, had meditative conversations, we moved objects and ourselves around the stone. We slept, dreamt and conversed beside it. On the day of summer solstice (June 21st) we celebrated the stone together with people from the local community and also some visitors from afar.
What may an ancient stone tell us in our time?
Are we able to embody the stone´s body by looking back into roots of folklore, back to a time when we still knew how to live our lives in coherence with nature?
Is it possible to find a mysterious relationship with a landscape that does not remain a personal experience, but can become a collective experience, shared in a community?
May interpretations of landscapes make the local universal?
Perhaps we sometimes need to pass magic road signs like Áhkánjárstábba to be able to move on in life with greater ease?
What happens when we - as visitors - invite to a gathering around the stone?
If even stones can fly - can we?
This project is part of LATERNAs project CoSA-Concernig the Spiritual in Art (Part One 2017).
Suported by Arts Council Norway

Photo: Rino Engdal